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Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin is a unique architectural and urban ensemble, a Museum complex in the heart of the capital. Moscow began with the Kremlin, and now here destinies are decided and history is created.

The Kremlin is a city within the city, with majestic white stone temples, streets and museums. The ensembles of the Cathedral, Ivanovskaya, Senatskaya, Dvortsovaya and Troitskaya squares, as well as churches and palaces form a single whole is an unique architectural image of the Moscow Kremlin, cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia.

You can book sightseeing of the Kremlin using the form below or contact our managers by phone of the hotline +7 495 357-03- 73 / E-mail: info@russian-tour.com

莫斯科的克林 Moscow Kremlin. Московский Кремль.